
開催によせて / Organizer's Message

最後に、本展覧会の開催に際し、ご出品者はもとより、マンデラ氏の本展覧会への参加・交渉にあたり、多大なるご協力を賜りましたネルソン・マンデラ財団理事長Sello Hatang氏、同財団メモリーセンター所長のVerne Harris氏、同財団マネージャーのHeather Henriques氏、南アフリカなど世界の紛争地を取材しているフォトグラファーの高橋邦典氏、山脇愛理氏、そして、さまざまなご協力を賜りました関係機関ならびに関係者の方々に対しまして、心より感謝申し上げます。そして、この展覧会が南アフリカ共和国と日本国とのよき文化交流の場となれば望外の幸せであります。


特定非営利活動法人 日本国際文化遺産協会 理事長

"Exhibition of Diverse Arts by Celebrities" has been organized with various art works produced by leading figures in the cultural sphere and show business under the theme "Enlarging the cultural circle - Arts can save the world!" with the aim of showing as many people as possible from every generation how wonderful art is. We are pleased to announce that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the exhibition. With many people's kind assistance, we have been able to organize the show as a charity event that takes up various current issues. On this commemorative occasion, we decided to hold the exhibition under the theme "human dignity".

Our world, complicated with problems that include the world-wide recession, large-scale armed conflicts in relation with democratic movements and social anxiety resulting from autocracy and terrorism, is changing more quickly than we have ever experienced before. And various problems regarding human rights and human dignity are arising on a world-wide level in societies with growing class disparities. This is the reason we wanted to consider "human dignity" through our exhibition.

There is one person who tackled the problem of human dignity squarely. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the 8th President of South Africa, is a great revolutionary who made efforts to abolish apartheid, and advocated human dignity with a strong mind and non-violence policy. We felt that Mr. Mandela best symbolizes our theme, and therefore his participation in the exhibition is indispensable. Upon our request, despite a very difficult situation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has kindly agreed to participate. We are happy to be able to include a note on Mr. Mandela's "ideal" in his own writing, his autograph and books. His message strongly states that we must respect others from the bottom of our heart, recognize human dignity and contribute to the peace and development of international society.

Other works shown in this year's exhibition include a digital artwork representing human dignity, the exhibition's theme for this year, by TAKAHIRO, a member of the popular dance & vocal unit EXILE. From the political sphere, 21 persons including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, ex-Prime Ministers Yasuo Fukuda, Taro Aso and Yukio Hatoyama, as well as ex-LDP Secretary-General Sadakazu Tanigaki contributed works. Adding to them notable figures from cultural and show business fields brings the total number of participants to 100 and submitted works to 175, making this year's exhibition one of the largest in its history.

Last year, the exhibition was honored with the special contribution of a message filled with love and a sculpturepainting from Their Majesties the King and Queen of Bhutan. We are confident that there is no other entertainment art show with works by such a diverse range of participants in the world. The exhibition has attracted a total number of 2,570,000 visitors during the past 14 years. The participation of Nelson Mandela, a person of enduring historical importance, makes us feel that this 15-year-old exhibition has limitless possibilities for the future. It is our ardent hope that the exhibition will continue to be a forum for free and equal artistic creation.

Lastly, I with to express my deepest gratitude to the artists who produced such excellent works for the exhibition. My sincere and special thanks go to Mr. Sello Hatang, Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation; Mr. Verne Harris, Head of Memory Programming, Nelson Mandela's Centre of Memory at the Nelson Mandela Foundation; Ms. Heather Henriques, Manager, Governance and Intellectual Property, Nelson Mandela Foundation; Mr. Kuninori Takahashi, who has been working in regions of armed conf lict in the world, including South Africa; Ms. Airi Yamawaki, for her great cooperation in the negotiation for Mr. Mandela's participation in our exhibition; as well as the many other persons concerned who provided their invaluable assistance.

It is also my sincere hope that this exhibition will serve to promote exchange between South Africa and Japan.

May, 2013

Kumiko Matsuoka
Art Producer
Chairperson, Japan Association of International Cultural Heritage
Secretary General, Executive Committee for "Exhibition of Diverse Arts by Celebrities"

特定非営利活動法人 日本国際文化遺産協会(理事長・松岡久美子)と「文化人・芸能人の多才な美術展」実行委員会(企画:ラリス株式会社)は、国賓、芸能人、スポーツ選手、弁護士、写真家、画家、国会議員、漫画家などの美術作品を紹介する第15回『文化人・芸能人の多才な美術展』を開催します。





平成25年3月25日文化庁長官より感謝状をいただきました。この感謝状は、ご出展作家の皆様、開催会場の皆様、ご後援、特別協力、展覧会をご鑑賞いただいた熱いファンのご支援と応援のおかげです。その皆様ひとりひとりの為の感謝状です。心より深くお礼を 申し上げます。

特定非営利活動法人 日本国際文化遺産協会 理事長
松岡 久美子